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怀化 郴州印刷后台历单/双线圈装订机厂家电话价格报价
怀化 郴州印刷后台历单/双线圈装订机厂家电话价格报价图片
怀化 郴州印刷后台历单/双线圈装订机厂家电话价格报价图片0怀化 郴州印刷后台历单/双线圈装订机厂家电话价格报价图片1怀化 郴州印刷后台历单/双线圈装订机厂家电话价格报价图片2
产 品: 怀化 郴州印刷后台历单/双线圈装订机厂家电话价格报价 
型 号: AFT-520 
规 格: 520 
品 牌: AFT 
单 价: 200.00元/台 
最小起订量: 1 台 
供货总量: 999 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 5 天内发货
更新日期: 2022-06-08  有效期至:长期有效

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怀化 郴州印刷后台历单/双线圈装订机厂家电话价格报价详细说明
 湖南省 长沙市  邵阳市  常德市  衡阳市  株洲市  湘潭市  永州市  岳阳市  怀化市  郴州市  娄底市  益阳市  张家界市  湘西州

台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机注意“封面”吸嘴不能调节太高,以免碰到叼嘴尼龙块,进“封面”不顺畅。

Please note that not to adjust the cover suction nuzzle too high to touch taking nuzzle nylon, so that it’s not smooth to feed the cover.

5.4.5台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​分纸片是用来控制纸张,应调整到适当位置,否则会出现吸不上封面或不起


Separating paper is to control paper. Must adjust it to an adaptable position, otherwise will not absorb cover or not works.

5.4.6台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​“封面”限位开关是用来自动限制“封面”上升高度,当“封面”用到限位


Cover limiting switch is to limit lifting height automatically. Cover will be lifted to highest position if cover limiting switch is off.



The setting of paper thickness on the touch screen will not work when punching cover. It’s controlled by cover limiting switch.

5.5台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​运行注意事项 running attentions:


    Don’t put hands into running sections such as moulds when machine is running.

    观察台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​皮带有无松脱现象。

    Observe if belt get loose or not.

    注意台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​碎纸抽屉内纸屑不要过多溢出,以免纸屑堵住出口。

    Note that waste paper in the drawer can’t be too much to overflow and stem the exit.

    确保台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​各个保护开关不受损移位。

    Make sure that all the protection switches are not damaged.


    Not work under big thickness situation for long time. It will wear punching needle and moulds too fast.

6.故障排除 Stoppage remove

       6.1   故障现象:台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​机器不动


            排除方法:查看电源开关是否已经接通,保护开关有无异常, 配


            Stoppage: machine not runs

            Reason: power off or protection switch is touched off.

            Remove methods: check if the power switch is on, or if protection switch is normal, or if air switch in the electric box if off.

      6.2   故障现象:台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​冲孔纸边距不稳定,不对称。



            Stoppage: paper margins are not stable or symmetrical.

            Reason: paper patter and paper board are not stable, or the distance from paper is too much.

            Remove methods: fasten above mentioned parts.

     6.3    故障现象:台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机​毛边大



          Stoppage: big deckle edge

          Reason: paper is too thick or punching needle is heave wear.

          Remove methods: suggest to work less than 1.2mm. please change punching needle if is heavy wear

6.4    故障现象:纸张不能顺利进出模具



          Stoppage: it’s difficult to run in or out the mould

          Reason: A. the distance between stainless steel paper feeding board and paper is too big or pressed too strict. B. the distance between paper margin board and mould is too big or pressed too strict. Especially the differences caused by installing the mould will lead to not smooth.

          Remove methods: adjust stainless steel and margin paper board position.

台历单/双线圈装订机 挂历单/双线圈装订机 笔记本单/双线圈装订机

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